Professional Learning on the Hub


Google Sites for a Class Website

A Class website can be a very helpful tool. Google sites are easy to use, and integrate directly with Google Drive to make building and maintaining a class website incredibly easy.


A YouTube Channel for your Instruction

This content is under development - Create your own YouTube Channel to house your videos and video playlists for your instruction.


Google Forms

Instructions on creating Google Forms and utilizing them in the classroom setting for quizzes and other data gathering needs.


Google Meet

These modules were created to facilitate class "meetings" during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Some features will be gone after July 1, 2020.


Kami for Differentiation

Training for teachers who want to use Kami in their classrooms.



An introduction to the CESD developed MIPI+. Learn how to utilize this tool in your classroom.



Introduces the MIPI through a step-by-step process and provides guidance around its administration and analysis.


Google Classroom

From the basics, right through to more advanced tips and hacks to assist in the classroom.


New Curriculum

This course will take you through the learning to move your pedagogy into the Concept-based curriculum.



Everything from administering Level A, to entering it in Powerschool, to Disciplinary Literacy.

About the Professional Learning Modules

If you are seeking the Technical Learning Content, it can be found in the Ed Tech Framework, as those modules are not focused on pedagogy, but on technology and Google skills.

The learning modules are intended to be action-focused. Depending on the module you are engaged in, you may be asked to read, watch, discuss or take action. The following images will guide you in knowing what is required to complete the module.

This one means stop. It will generally have a partner. Its partner icon will tell you what to do next!
This one means read. You are at a point in the module where there is something for you to read.
This one means watch. There is content for you to view. Grab your headphones and get comfortable.
This icon means discuss. You’ll need someone to talk with about the content. This can be face-to-face, or eventually online.
This icon means do.  At this point in the module, there is something for you to do. It maybe in writing, or another task.
This icon means finish. You will only see this icon when the module has been completed.