Data is an incredibly important tool in the world of a teacher. Our jobs demand that we instruct and assess (both formatively and summatively) to illustrate student growth and learning. Standardized testing allows for baseline skillsets to be established.
Within the Literacy series, you will be guided through the process of gathering reading data using your Level A Assessment, the Literate Discussion and the Reading Observation Sheet.
Please note – you need only complete the reading and viewing for ONE of the three testing protocols OR the French Immersion protocols. Ask your administrator which Level A your school uses for reading data, and proceed with the modules related to that protocol. You may click “mark as completed” (without actually completing them) for the Level A protocols that your school does not use.
You will also explore the next steps on how to use your data once it is collected. Supporting tutorial videos on the use of Dossier have also been provided.
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